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Build powerful pipelines in any programming language.

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Gaia logo

Build powerful pipelines in any programming language.

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What is Gaia?

Gaia enables DevOps and makes developers happy.

Automation platform of the future

Automation platform of the future

Automation processes and requirements have developed rapidly in recent years. Cloud, SaaS, PaaS, AaaS, Kubernetes, Docker, and many more technologies were invented to simplify the complexity and management of huge IT applications. Communication with external APIs and services for CI/CD is simply essential nowadays and hard to do right with simple configuration specs.

Gaia is the next evolution of automation platforms whose goal is to provide full flexibility and performance for today's CI/CD, but basically any automation workflow imaginable.

Enables DevOps

DevOps becomes more and more important and many developers are scared of this word because it usually implies writing endless lines of YAML/JSON configuration files to automate complex automation tasks.

Gaia requires no YAML/JSON or any other configuration spec to write automation workflows. An automation workflow (we named it pipeline) can be written in any programming language and adding it to Gaia usually takes a few seconds. Once a pipeline has been added, Gaia automatically detects changes and rebuilds your pipeline automatically.
Enables DevOps
Efficient and super fast

Efficient and super fast

Gaia has been from the ground up developed with the goal to be ultra lightweight, efficient, super fast and developer-first. Its core is written in Go and the pipeline communication is based on googles battle-hardened gRPC which uses HTTP/2. The Unix philosophy (simple, modular and composable) is and will always be the base principle for Gaia.

Build by and for operators

Gaia is one self-contained binary which can be started without any configuration. Just download, unarchive and start it. We also provide various docker images ready to pull. You prefer to have all your tools running in Kubernetes? Don't worry, we also provide a helm chart.

Get started now and setup Gaia within seconds, develop your first pipeline in 5-10 minutes.
Enables DevOps


Gaia is efficient, fast, lightweight, and developer friendly.

Programming language independent Gaia is programming language independent and technically any programming language can be used to write pipelines. At this point of time, we officially support Go, Java, Python, C++, Ruby and Node.js. Your favorite language is not supported? Open a new issue and request it!

First class support for tests Test your pipelines and write unit tests like you already do for your applications. No excuses anymore to do testing right for your automation pipelines.

Simple and efficient Gaia comes with the automatic build feature for pipelines. Simply push your code to a git repository. Gaia automatically clones your code repository, compiles your code to a binary and executes it on-demand.

Open-source Gaia is open-source and will always be! Feel free to have a look at the source code, discuss new features and help us to improve it!


Pipeline written in Go. Learn more...

Pipeline written in Python. Learn more...

Pipeline written in Java. Learn more...

Pipeline written in C++. Learn more...

Pipeline written in Ruby. Learn more...

Pipeline written in Node.js. Learn more...